Thank You to Our Supporters
Berks Sinfonietta gratefully acknowledges its supporters for the present and previous seasons.
Your generosity helps us reach, educate, and enrich new audiences in Berks County and beyond.
We work hard to ensure the accuracy of this list; please contact us if you find an error.
Symphony Circle ($5,000 +)
Arthur Judson Foundation

Pennsylvania Council on the Arts

Barton & Kristina Smith
Bill Smith & Susan Hoadley Smith
Reading Musical Foundation

Conductor’s Circle ($3,000 – $4,999)
David & Tama McConnell
Composer’s Circle I ($2,000 – $2,999)
Bone and Joint Care Center

The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation

The Presser Foundation

Composer’s Circle II ($1,000 – $1,999)
Karl Moyer
Ambassador’s Circle I ($500 – $999)
Blair Dewalt
Brentwood Industries

William & Kathleen Cotter
Cynthia Hix
Daniel & Eve Kimball
Don & Stacie Main
Reading Coffee Company

Sean & Annette Peppard
Ambassador’s Circle II ($250 – $499)
George & Cynthia Balchunas
Engelbert Financial Advisers

Patricia Gechter Gilmer
Grace Lutheran Senior Choir
Cynthia Hix
Jennifer Hudgen
Carol A. Jones
Kerry & Barb Lanza
Kaaren Orquiza
Dave Rick
Friend’s Circle ($100 – $249)
Ifeoma Aduba
Bernice Allen
Bruce Bengston
Morris & Angela Blumenthal
Michael & Carla Buterbaugh
Margaret Gechter
James Gilmer & Hannah Martin
Carl & Patti Hartman
Sabrina Hogsed
Elsa Larese
Jacob Leonowitz
Ken Lovett
Charles & Carole Lusch
Don & Stacie Main
Frank Martin
Tama McConnell
Fred & Dorris McCoy
Anna Miller
Matthew Reinsel
Thomas & Amy Reinsel
Shillington Eye Associates

Linda Weaver
Patron’s Circle (Up to $99)
John C. Auman
Joseph Bader
Karen Bessinger
Brandon Buterbaugh
Cynthia Clowery
Ann DelCollo
Franklyn Fraser
Stanley Furrow
Edward & Jeannie Galick
Dennis Gehry
Gipprich Family Jewelers

Deborah Graf
Jill Haley
Eugene Kemp
Shirley Kemp
Joe Kozlowski
Leslie Lindeman
Shawna Lint
Kirstin Myers
Carey Nash
Rosemarie Reinsel
Thomas Risi
Linda Silber
Melissa Small
Julia Spangler
Anne Stachura
Mimi Todaro
Nancy Wilson
Mike Wolf
(Business Partners in bold)